What to Consider When Selecting the Right Water Filter

Many people are unaware of the vast amount of choices they have when it comes to water filters. Water filters come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which can make selecting one hard. Understanding more about the numerous alternatives accessible may assist you in making an informed decision.


  • Refrigerator water filters
  • Under-sink
  • Countertop
  • Water filter pitchers
  • Shower filters
  • Whole house
  • Faucet attachments
  • Portable


Water filters use a variety of approaches to purify water, including carbon filtration, which is one of the most popular. Carbon’s porous nature is used to absorb water and eliminate contaminants via this form of filtration. It’s especially good at getting rid of chlorine, pesticides, and other chemicals. Heavy metals like nitrates, sodium, and fluorine aren’t very easy to remove using this method.

Reverse osmosis is a process that uses a semipermeable membrane to allow water molecules to pass through but block impurities from doing so. Reverse osmosis systems utilize numerous filters, making them effective at removing chemical pollutants like copper and lead as well as hard metals such as calcium, arsenic, and mercury. However, they will not remove certain pesticides or herbicides.) Because reverse osmosis systems use many filters, high water pressure is required to push the water through the system’s numerous filters and membranes.

Water passes through a chamber inundated with UV radiation when it is filtered using an Ultraviolet filter. Bacteria, parasites, and viruses are effectively destroyed; nevertheless, mineral pollutants including lead, calcium, and arsenic as well as pesticides and herbicides are not removed.

Gravity filters utilize a sponge-like filter to absorb water as it flows through the upper basin of a pitcher and drops from there to the lower basin. Charcoal is used in them, as well as ion exchange resin, which captures heavy metals. Contaminants such as lead, chlorine, pesticides, and even heavy metals may be eliminated by the best gravity filters.

A mixed-media filtration system employs a combination of different types of filtering in a single container or cylinder. Multiple stages are included in filters ranging from gravity pitchers to reverse osmosis systems to remove various kinds of pollutants.


Filtering systems that don’t require access to electricity are common. Gravity filters rely on gravity alone and require no additional power, whereas faucet, reverse osmosis, counter, and under-sink filtering methods all utilize water pressure. Some of these devices function best with a certain level of water pressure.

Water Quality and Contaminants

While your city water treatment plant eliminates numerous hazardous chemicals that can make you ill, they cannot detect everything. Home filtration systems provide another layer of water purification by removing a variety of contaminants, including pesticides, organic compounds, and pharmaceuticals. Keep in mind that not all water filters are capable of removing every type of impurity. When purchasing a water filter, be sure to inquire about the kinds of contaminants it can and cannot remove.

Filtration Rate

The number of gallons of water per minute that a water filter can remove is referred to as its GPM. Even after waiting for a gravity pitcher water filter to purify enough water for just one glass, it might take an annoyingly long time. While this method for filtering drinking water may be adequate, it won’t work with filters designed for kitchen faucets or the entire house. Whole-home water filters, on the other hand, must be able to filter several gallons of water per minute, since most showers and dishwashers consume 5 gallons of water each minute.

Installation and Maintenance

Water filter maintenance and replacement vary in difficulty. A faucet filter involves removing the aerator and connecting a hose, but a reverse osmosis system may need more work. With just basic plumbing skills, almost all water filtration systems can be put together by a do-it-yourselfer. It’s not difficult to maintain a water filter since most of them require the replacement of filters as they wear down. The cost of maintaining a water filter varies depending on the system’s complexity. Reverse osmosis systems with seven filtering stages may produce some of the cleanest water available, but replacing seven separate filters can quickly rack up.

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